Indoor Hat Tournament Saturday January 28, 2017

I mean, hey, it's been almost 2 weeks since we had a hat tournament.  Time for another I think!

Who: Ultimate Frisbee players wanting to have fun indoors, throwing a disc, meeting some new folks, running around for the evening.

What: Mixed 3/2 Indoor Ultimate Frisbee in a 5 team Round Robin tournament. This is 5 on 5 ultimatate.  Wear tennis shoes!

When: Saturday January 28, 2017.   Games will start at 6pm and end by 11pm.  Each team is guaranteed 4  games.

New Years Eve Mixed Hat Tournament

Who: Ultimate Frisbee players wanting to have fun indoors, throwing a disc, meeting some new folks, running around for the afternoon.

What: Mixed 3/2 Indoor Ultimate Frisbee in a 5 team Round Robin tournament. This is 5 on 5 ultimatate.  Wear tennis shoes!

When: Saturday December 31, 2016.   Games will start at noon and end by 5pm just in time to go out and ring in the new year!.  Each team is guaranteed 4  games.

Mixed and Women's Hat Tournament are FULL

The hat tournaments for Saturday December 3rd are full!

If you paid, you can login and find your team/schedule details.

If you haven't paid, there are no spots.  Please don't show up hoping to play.


Pre-Winter League Registration is Full!

Please click on Leagues and go sign up now for Pre-Winter League!  We need to lock up the teams to get ready for the first week NEXT SUNDAY!

Who: Ultimate Frisbee players wanting to have fun indoors, throwing a disc, meeting some new folks, running around for a few weeks before the holidays.

What: Coed (3 men/2 women) Indoor Ultimate Frisbee in a 10 team league. 7 guaranteed games (assuming no weather related cancellations) over a 5 week period. Bring your own light or dark.

Minnesota Winter League New Website

Welcome to the new home of Minnesota Winter League Ultimate!  Minnesota Winter League runs Pre-Winter League, Winter League, Spring League and various indoor tournaments in between TCUL Fall and Summer Leagues.

We would like to thank TCUL for hosting MN Winter League registration and league management for many years!


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